Bielorussia: «La revolució te rostre de dona” / La Independent / Notícies gènere

A la galeria BEGEMOT del carrer Trafalgar, 56, de Barcelona es pot veure, fins al 16 de febrer, una exposició* sobre el paper de les dones en la revolució que es va iniciar a l’agost del 2020 a Bielorússia, contra la dictadura d’Aleksander Lukashenko.

Minsk (Belarus), 13/08/2020.- People take part in a rally in support of detained and injured participants of the protests that erupted in the aftermath of the presidential election, in Minsk, Belarus, 13 August 2020. Long-time President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko won the elections by a landslide with 80 percent of the votes, a result questioned and protested by the oppositions. Opposition leader Tikhanovskaya fled to Lithuania after rejecting the election results she claimed was rigged. (Elecciones, Protestas, Bielorrusia, Lituania) EFE/EPA/TATYANA ZENKOVICH

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